Cariboo Memorial Hospital
517 6th Ave N , Williams Lake, BC
Cariboo Memorial Hospital has no family doctors that work out of it.
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Cariboo Memorial Hospital
517 6th Ave N , Williams Lake, BC
Cariboo Memorial Hospital has no family doctors that work out of it.
Telus Healthcare – Vancouver Hastings
800-900 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC
Clinic Website
The Telus Healthcare – Vancouver Hastings clinic specializes in preventative care and does not have family practitioners.
NOTE: Telus Healthcare (formerly Copeman Healthcare) is a private clinic – it is not part of the public system, and the Province does NOT pay for care.
Cook & View Health Centre
320 – 1175 Cook St., Victoria, BC
Clinic Website
At Cook & View Health Centre, the only family physician at the clinic closed her practice July 1, 2022.
Arrow Lakes Hospital
97-1 Avenue NE , Nakusp, BC
Clinic Website
Arrow Lakes Hospital provides emergency care as a hospital. They do NOT have family doctors.