Prince George has waitlist

There is a waiting list with conditions at:

CSFS (Carrier Sekani Family Service)
987 4th Ave , Prince George, BC
Clinic Website


CSFS (Carrier Sekani Family Service) has a waiting list for those with 1st Nations status who do not already have a healthcare provider.

Go the clinic to get the intake form. They cannot provide any guarantees. You can expect to wait at least 6 months.

Tumbler Ridge clinic accepting new patients

Family practitioners taking patients at:

Tumbler Ridge Community Health Centre
220 Front Street, Tumbler Ridge, BC


Tumbler Ridge Community Health Centre has both male and female doctors taking new patients, though it is quicker to get started with a male doctor at this time. You may have to be on a waitlist if you want a female doctor.

Go to the clinic to register.