Holley Clinic
348 Front St , Quesnel, BC
Clinic Website
Holley Clinic is Not accepting new patients at this time.
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Holley Clinic
348 Front St , Quesnel, BC
Clinic Website
Holley Clinic is Not accepting new patients at this time.
Hill Clinic
697 Front St , Quesnel, BC
Calling the phone number of the Hill Clinic gets a “Call cannot be completed as dialed” message on phone. An Internet search shows that the property is for sale so it is assumed the clinic is now closed.
Quesnel Primary Care Clinic
644 Front St , Quesnel, BC
Clinic Website
When the Quesnel Primary Care Clinic is taking new patients, they take the patients from the Health Link BC Registry wait list.
Register online through the Health Link BC website.