Family practitioner taking new patients at:
Kaslo Primary Health
673 A AVE, Kaslo, BC
Kaslo Primary Health has a male doctor accepting new patients.
Call the clinic to register.
Find doctors accepting new patients now
Family practitioner taking new patients at:
Kaslo Primary Health
673 A AVE, Kaslo, BC
Kaslo Primary Health has a male doctor accepting new patients.
Call the clinic to register.
Drs. R. Kobayashi and M. MacIntyre
201-556 Josephine St , Nelson, BC
Contact Information & Map
According to the clinic’s phone message, the offices of Drs. R. Kobayashi and M. MacIntyre have moved to the Nelson Medical Clinic.
Family practitioners accepting patients at:
Selkirk Medical Group
201-101 1st St. W , Revelstoke, BC
Clinic Website
The Selkirk Medical Group has both male and female doctors taking new patients who are residents of Revelstoke.
Go to the clinic to register.
Associate Medical Clinic
123 10 Ave S , Cranbrook, BC
The Associate Medical Clinic is not accepting new patients; When they do, they pull from the Health Connect Registry (HCR).
Apply directly with the HCR to get onto that provincial waitlist. Do NOT apply through the clinic.