There is no longer a waiting list at:
Surlang Medicine Clinic
19475 Fraser Hwy , Surrey, BC
The Surlang Medicine Clinic is Not accepting new patients and is Not keeping a waiting list at this time.
Find doctors accepting new patients now
There is no longer a waiting list at:
Surlang Medicine Clinic
19475 Fraser Hwy , Surrey, BC
The Surlang Medicine Clinic is Not accepting new patients and is Not keeping a waiting list at this time.
Family practitioner has paused taking some new patients at:
Peninsula Medical Clinic
109-15388 24 Ave , Surrey, BC
Clinic Website
Contact Information & Map
Intake on hold. Peninsula Medical Clinic has a female doctor who specializes in seniors (those who are 50+ years old). She has closed her intake for the time being.
There is a waitlist at:
Doctors of Sullivan Heights
106-14340 64 Ave , Surrey, BC
Clinic Website
Doctors of Sullivan Heights’ website allows you to add yourself to a waitlist.
This does not guarantee becoming a patient of the the clinic.
Family practitioners no longer taking new patients at:
South Point Pharmacy & Medical Clinic
102-3211 152 Street, Surrey, BC
Clinic Website
South Point Pharmacy & Medical Clinic is Not accepting new patients at this time.