Vancouver clinic specializes in neurodevelopmental and other psychiatric disorders

Specialty clinic for neurodevelopmental and other psychiatric disorders

All Brains Clinic
5933 Birney Ave, Vancouver, BC
Clinic Website


Specialty clinic focused on brain issues.

From All Brains Clinic:

We are delighted to announce the launch of All Brains, a specialized clinic dedicated to providing comprehensive and individualized diagnostic and treatment services for people with neurodevelopmental (Autism, ADHD, Learning Disorder, etc.) and other psychiatric disorders across BC.

Our promise is to have: – All assessments done in a timely manner (no more long waitlists) – Every assessment is done by a multi-disciplinary team of experts – Every assessment is packaged with post assessment consultation for support and recourse navigation.

Utilizing a hybrid model of Telemedicine and in-person assessments, to eliminate wasteful commute and allow our experts to work with you and your family anywhere in BC.

Our team of outstanding psychiatrists, psychologists, speech and language pathologists, counsellors, social workers, and coaches, work together to ensure that each and every patient receives the best possible care.

Thank you for allowing us to be part of your and your family journey to wellness.

**We accept Variety Club and Jordan’s Principle payment options, and our services are eligible for reimbursement by most insurance policies.

Specialty clinic

Telus Healthcare – Vancouver Hastings
800-900 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC
Clinic Website


The Telus Healthcare – Vancouver Hastings clinic specializes in preventative care and does not have family practitioners.

NOTE: Telus Healthcare (formerly Copeman Healthcare) is a private clinic – it is not part of the public system, and the Province does NOT pay for care.