Sooke clinic uses Provincial wait list

Health Connect Registry is used by:

West Coast Family Medical Clinic
1300-6660 Sooke Rd , Sooke, BC
Clinic Website


When West Coast Family Medical Clinic is accepting new patients, they will be taking those patients from a provincial registry.

From the ‘New Patients’ page of the clinic website: “West Coast Family Medical Clinic is using a patient registration list called the Health Connect Registry. If you reside in the Western Community region, you can register with this online tool to be added to a local registry for a family doctor or nurse practitioner. ”

A link to the registry is on the clinic website.

Health Link BC has set up registries for those on the Saanch Peninsula and in the Western Communities who are looking for care.

Health Link BC has set up registries for those on the Saanch Peninsula and in the Western Communities who are looking for care.

It is a good idea for everyone waiting for a family practitioner to register with the program in their area. See below for details.

As far as Find a Doctor BC goes we will continue to look for family practitioners in these areas as we are aware of clinics who are not opting-in to the program.

From the Health Connect Registry website

Health Connect Registry, Saanich Peninsula
The Saanich Peninsula Primary Care Network (PCN) team is working with clinics in your community to help you find a family doctor or nurse practitioner. To support this work, we have launched a community-wide registry called the Health Connect Registry.

You can register if you, your family, or a person in your care lives within one of these communities: Royal Oak/Cordova Bay, Prospect Lake, Central Saanich, North Saanich and Sidney.

Once registered, you will be contacted directly when a primary care provider is available.

Heath Connect Registry

Health Connect Registry, Western Communities
The Western Community Primary Care Network (PCN) team is working with clinics in your community to help you find a family doctor or nurse practitioner. To support this work, we have launched a community-wide registry called the Health Connect Registry.

You can register if you, your family, or a person in your care lives within one of these communities: Colwood, Langford/Highland, Esquimalt/View Royal, Metchosin, Sooke and Juan de Fuca Coast.

Once registered, you will be contacted directly when a primary care provider is available.

Heath Connect Registry