North Shore Primary Care Centre
103-376 Tranquille Rd , Kamloops, BC
The North Shore Primary Care Centre reports that you have to call 811 to get on the wait list that their clinic draws from when they are taking new patients.
Find doctors accepting new patients now
North Shore Primary Care Centre
103-376 Tranquille Rd , Kamloops, BC
The North Shore Primary Care Centre reports that you have to call 811 to get on the wait list that their clinic draws from when they are taking new patients.
Family practitioner not taking patients at:
Avecina Clinic
100-5581 204th St , Langley, BC
Avecina Clinic is NOT accepting new family practice patients at this time.
811 list used at:
Elkford Medical Clinic
212 Alpine Way, Elkford, BC
When the Elkford Medical Clinic is taking on new patients, they use the 811 list.
Imperial Medical Clinic
4648 Imperial St , Burnaby, BC
Clinic Website
Imperial Medical Clinic is not accepting new patients at this time.