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Family Clinics in West Vancouver that are, or might be, accepting new patients

Number of clinics found: 1
Name Status Description
Park Medical Clinic,
West Vancouver, BC
Yes, accepting new patients
Last updated 2025-01-21
5 Doctors

News and Updates regarding West Vancouver

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Yes, accepting. The last time this clinic was contacted they indicated they had a least one doctor (or team practice)  accepting new patients.

Limited accepting. The last time this clinic was contacted they indicated either they had at least one nurse practitioner (NP) accepting new patients OR they were accepting new patients only on a limited basis — for example only accepting a certain age group or only high needs patients.

Open wait-list. The last time this clinic was contacted they indicated they were adding names to a wait-list.

Not accepting. The last time this clinic was contacted they indicated they were at capacity and no family practitioners were accepting new patients and they were not keeping a waiting list.

Protected. This clinic is located in a high demand area and clinic staff need to be protected from excessive inquires. See below *

Walk-in only. This clinic only provides walk-in services and does not attach family practitioners.

Specialty clinic. This clinic provides specialty services such as  maternity care, urgent care or addiction recovery and is not a family practice.

Permanently closed. This clinic is now permanently closed and is not offering any services.

Unknown. This clinic has either never been contacted, or was contacted so long ago that the status is unreliable. It is suggested someone call them to find out what the situation is.

* Access to availability information for clinics that are located in high demand areas must be regulated due to the overwhelming number of calls to the clinic that each notification can generate. Therefore, for these clinics we carefully control notices to better serve our members and the clinic staff by using  a priority notification system.
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